by Holly Cary | Feb 6, 2024 | From the Experts
Modern Authentication: Get Set Up Right BitTitan has made a change to MigrationWiz to help streamline Microsoft 365 migrations. Now you’ll set up Modern Authentication at the start so it’s in place before you structure the rest of the project. This will help make sure...
by Holly Cary | Oct 16, 2023 | From the Experts
Your Guide to Mailbox Migrations So you need to migrate some mailboxes. Maybe you need to migrate a whole lot of mailboxes. Whatever the reason – whether it’s a merger, an acquisition, a divestiture, or a move to the cloud – MigrationWiz is a great choice. It’s the...
by Holly Cary | Oct 3, 2023 | From the Experts
Video: Using DeploymentPro with MigrationWiz There’s nothing like having a way to automate a seemingly complicated task so you can quickly check it off your to-do list. Configuring Outlook profiles after a migration is one of those tasks. You need to do it, and you...
by Holly Cary | Apr 18, 2023 | From the Experts
Navigating Divestiture Migrations New White Paper—Navigating Divestiture Migrations: Pointers for Success Mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures are keeping MSPs busy performing migrations. BitTitan has just published a new white paper to share what we’ve learned...
by Holly Cary | Apr 6, 2023 | From the Experts
Teams Project Setup and Migration New How-To Video: Teams Migrations Over the past few years, collaboration platforms have transformed the way we work, especially with so many of us working remotely. Microsoft Teams has more than a quarter million active users, so...