Bits & Bytes

The BitTitan Blog for Service Providers

Teams Private Chat Migrations are Back

Teams Private Chat Migrations are Back

Teams Private Chat Migrations are Back Teams Private Chat migrations were working, then they stopped working, and now they’re working again. Here’s what you need to know: In response to a security issue, Microsoft made the decision to restrict Teams data access...

MigrationWiz Product Updates

MigrationWiz Product Updates

What’s New with MigrationWiz Whether it’s big changes or lots of little tweaks that help streamline your projects, the team at MigrationWiz is always looking for ways to enhance your migration experience. Here’s a few of the items we’ve been working on the last few...

Onboarding Options for Migration Success

Onboarding Options for Migration Success

Onboarding Options for Migration Success Unforeseen Migration Challenges Managing migrations presents several challenges for managed service providers (MSPs) and internal IT teams. Migrations are highly visible and complex undertakings that often occur under strict...

Migration Wizards: Opening Doors With Your Own Abracadabra

Migration Wizards: Opening Doors With Your Own Abracadabra

Migration Wizards: Opening Doors With Your Own Abracadabra This post is the first in our "Migration Wizard" series on the BitTitan Blog. Follow these links to the next installments in this series: "More Than Tech. More Than Data. You Migrate Businesses" and "When Do...

April 2022 Product Update

April 2022 Product Update

Product Release updates contain information about enhancements, upgrades and new features for BitTitan solutions and services. For the most current pr …

Rounding Up the Year with MigrationWiz Enhancements

Rounding Up the Year with MigrationWiz Enhancements

Rounding Up the Year with MigrationWiz Enhancements Year-end is right around the corner, and that means the BitTitan team has been working hard to bring out new features and updates so you can kick off 2022 with the very best. See how many of these new additions were...

Rounding Up the Year with MigrationWiz Enhancements

October 2021 Product Release Notes

October 2021 Product Release Notes At BitTitan we consistently get high marks for our attention to detail. We also hear from users that our documentation is second to none. So this month we’re announcing new features, updates, and help topic changes to make sure your...

How to Migrate Teams Private Chat: Feature Spotlight

How to Migrate Teams Private Chat: Feature Spotlight

How to Migrate Teams Private Chat: Feature Spotlight For IT teams scoping a Microsoft Teams migration, a critical piece of that project are Private Chats. These are conversations between users and need to be preserved alongside other components like files and...

Rounding Up the Year with MigrationWiz Enhancements

October 2021 Product Release Notes

October 2021 Product Release Notes Product Release Notes contain information about updates, upgrades and new features for BitTitan solutions and services. For the most current product information, visit the BitTitan Help Center.