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Andrew Morse

Survey Says: High Marks for MigrationWiz®

The tools for communication and collaboration, and how they’re deployed, are ever evolving, so we can’t stand still when it comes to MigrationWiz. To ensure sure our product and support resources are keeping up, we listen to our customers, who are one of our best sources of information. We recently did a survey to learn about the enhancements you want to see in MigrationWiz, but we learned something else as well: our customers love MigrationWiz!

The survey went out to both internal IT departments and service providers, so we were able to speak to those who regularly do migrations as well as those who have only used MigrationWiz once or twice. Some non-MigrationWiz users were in the mix, too. We received 1200 responses, from 88 different countries. Clearly, the need for migrations knows no boundaries.

When users compared MigrationWiz to other migration products, here’s what you said:

  • 86% Better overall performance
  • 86% Faster
  • 85% Better capabilities
  • 84% More sources and destinations
  • 83% Easier to use
  • 77% Better ROI
  • 72% Better support
  • 72% More secure


How We’re Working Across Workloads

Of course, one of the big benefits of MigrationWiz is that is handles multiple sources and destinations. We wanted to know what workloads you’re dealing with, and how happy you are with the results. While nearly everyone reported using MigrationWiz to migrate mailboxes, well over half reported you use it to migrate files, public folders, Outlook configurations, and cloud storage, too. Nearly a third have migrated our newest supported workload, Microsoft Teams. Satisfaction with MigrationWiz was highest for mailboxes, with 98% reporting satisfaction. But satisfaction for each of the other workloads was more than 90%, across the board. The verdict is clear: instead of using two or three separate tools for a multi-workload migration, you can just use MigrationWiz.


If Not MigrationWiz, Then What?

If you’re not using MigrationWiz, then what are you using? While some said you use other third-party tools, far more use native tools from Microsoft or Google, or do the migrations manually. We note, however, that when you’re doing manual migrations, you’re often using the native tools as well. When it comes to migrating productivity suites, there’s no way to do a manual migration without those native tools. You can also do migrations with other third-party tools, which usually require professional services. But clearly, it’s easier with MigrationWiz.


Easy Does It

That led us to another question: What’s one word that describes why you chose MigrationWiz over the alternates? Over half of our responders, 53%, gave us a word that equates with ease. 22% said simplicity, 13% said reliability, 8% said efficiency, 3% said reputation.

And, of course, we hope you recommend us to your colleagues, which makes that last word so important!   The NPS, or Net Promoter Score, is a measure of how likely our customers are to recommend our solution to others. Scores range from -100 to +100, and anything over 0 is considered positive. MigrationWiz scored a 57 — well above the industry average for software-as-a-service companies.

We’re glad to see these survey results. They reinforce that we’ve been doing the right things for you with MigrationWiz. We’ll continue to enhance and expand our capabilities for migrating mail, documents, and collaboration tools as the landscape changes, and incorporate the other feedback you gave us into our product roadmap.

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