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The BitTitan Blog for Service Providers

Grady Gausman

Feature Spotlight: Microsoft Teams Assessment

One of the best strategies to ensure a successful migration is effective planning during the pre-migration phase. Recently, BitTitan introduced new capabilities to support the migration of Teams instances between Office 365 tenants. You can learn more about that scenario in this feature spotlight. Our focus today, however, is on a specific component of this scenario in MigrationWiz: the Teams Source assessment.

For all the hype around the fast-growing collaboration app, Teams instances are susceptible to the same sprawling, poorly governed architecture as its close cousin, SharePoint. That sprawl becomes an issue when users, data, and permissions need to migrate. As adoption grows, so too does the need to migrate Teams as another workload when moving Office 365 tenants.

Through the same easy-to-use interface as all other migration workloads, IT professionals can use MigrationWiz to conduct an assessment of the existing Teams environment to understand critical factors like number of users, amount of data, and the proper licensing needed to complete the project.

Let’s look at how to run this assessment in MigrationWiz.

Running the Teams Assessment

Teams migration projects follow the same simple setup as other workloads in MigrationWiz. For Teams projects, we’ve created a new project option: “Create a Collaboration Project.” This will now be presented alongside mailbox, document, archive, and public folder options in the “Create a Project” window.

Here the traditional MigrationWiz flow takes over: select Microsoft Teams as your Source and Destination endpoints, provide Global Admin Credentials, and move to the pre-migration assessment. The assessment gathers the following information about your Source instance:

  • Number of individual Teams
  • Number of users
  • Amount of data
  • Number of licenses needed, based on the number of Teams and users in the project

After verifying tenant credentials, MigrationWiz will discover all users and the associated Teams, channels, and files within those channels to begin outlining the scope of this project.

Like the migrations themselves, the duration of the assessment is influenced by a variety of factors including Source bandwidth. Factor this into your pre-migration plan. This assessment is free and can be run multiple times on the Source environment prior to migrating.

Once complete, the assessment will display the information listed above, providing you with a holistic picture of the Source instance and the necessary Collaboration licenses to complete this project.

Benefits of the Teams Assessment

Like our other popular pre-migration tool, HealthCheck for Office 365, the Teams assessment can help identify roadblocks before they become bigger barriers in the middle of your migration. So why else should you take the time to run the Teams assessment?

Scope the Project

Grasping the true size of the project, especially a new workload like Microsoft Teams, can help your team accurately gauge the time and resources necessary to complete this project. When taken to the end-user, it forms part of that critical pre-migration plan that helps you stay on track and sends positive signals to customers that you have done your due diligence and understand their environment.

Simplify Licensing

Understanding the necessary licensing to complete a migration shouldn’t be a complex process. MigrationWiz consumes a new type of license for Teams projects called Collaboration licenses. Using information from the Teams assessment, partners can easily identify the correct number of licenses needed based on the amount of data and the number of users in a project. No more double purchases, returns, or confusion. Buy licenses. Start migrating.

Expand Existing Tenant-to-Tenant Projects

As we wrote in a previous post, adoption = opportunity. Now that users have data and IP stored in Teams, it’s becoming an important component of tenant migration projects. The Teams assessment helps your team properly size and price the opportunity while allocating the appropriate resources. With the assessment in hand, you’re able to outline a new services agreement and beat out other bids with an end-to-end plan for recreating the end user’s environment in the Destination.

Want to learn more about Microsoft Teams projects with MigrationWiz?

Watch the demo now!


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