Bits & Bytes

The BitTitan Blog for Service Providers

Grady Gausman

White Paper: Planning Guide For Office 365 Tenant Migrations

As the Office 365 user base continues to grow, so will the need to migrate people and data between different tenants. It’s a trend we’ve seen emerge over the last 18 months and one we expect to proliferate in the near future.

It’s also the reason we’re investing in new capabilities for tenant to tenant (T2T) scenarios – coexistence to support users split between Source and Destination tenants as well as improved collaboration and reporting features for best audit and security practices.

Those who regularly manage migration projects know the secret to success lies in planning. A botched project is often the result of poor configuration or mistakes during the pre-migration phase that causes issues during the actual data transfer.

T2T projects are no different – in fact, they can be even more complex to assess and manage given the intricacies of Office 365, Active Directory, and the business drivers behind the project itself, such as an acquisition or divestiture. There are a lot of reasons to get it right the first time – and steep penalties for failure.

In a new white paper from BitTitan, we present high-level planning steps for your team to consider after the need to migrate between tenants has been established. This includes guidance around:

  • Assessing Source environments and planning for the Destination
  • Determining changes in domain name
  • Evaluating potential migration tools
  • Communicating with end users





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