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Solving the Profitability Problem: Automation

Gartner predicts that by 2020, a corporate “no-cloud” policy will be as rare as a “no-Internet” policy is today.

What else is trending up? Competition in the channel—and frustration, too. The outlook on cloud has shifted as winners and losers have emerged.

Cloud adoption is inevitable, but the success of your business is not. What’s the key to seizing the still-growing opportunity and thriving in a changing industry? In a word: profitability.

Although we’ve been with you every step of the journey, we’ll be the first to admit that we can’t solve your profitability problem with another migration workload, or even managed services.

You need a more intelligent solution

1. It’s impossible to measure profitability when services aren’t delivered consistently.

With structured, repeatable processes you could give your organization a benchmark for improvement. It’s uncomfortable to admit: you don’t know what you don’t know.

2. You can’t keep everyone on the same page with poor visibility and communication.

Do you know if your engineers are meeting customer expectations and timelines?  When you rely on “honest” progress updates, you’re easily blindsided by escalated issues.

3. Time and money are wasted when costly resources perform low-level tasks.

If a particular task within a project requires your most skilled engineer or architect, are they given the entire project? Their time could be better spent on more strategic work, like designing new services or building revenue with customers.

4. If a quality employee leaves your company, your IP and best practices are lost.

The way you deliver your projects can differentiate you from your competition. You risk losing your advantage if your team’s best work isn’t recorded and repeatable.

5. You can’t scale because your project managers are spread too thin.

Project managers are constantly challenged to do more with less. With greater visibility and administrative power, they might be able to handle more work.

At BitTitan we’ve been empowering IT service professionals to successfully deploy and manage cloud technologies through automation for over a decade. Sign up for a FREE BitTitan account today to access our products and services.

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