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Navigating Divestiture Migrations

New White Paper—Navigating Divestiture Migrations: Pointers for Success

Mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures are keeping MSPs busy performing migrations. BitTitan has just published a new white paper to share what we’ve learned using MigrationWiz for these often tricky, high-stakes projects. The white paper walks you through the ins-and-outs of divestitures, when an organization spins out one or more of their business units into other organizations.

 Divestitures are done for three broad reasons: Selling the business unit to a third party, known as a carve-out; a spinoff which turns a business unit into an independent operating company; or a breakup which separates the parent company into multiple independent companies. Read our white paper to learn about these important aspects of divestitures:

IT roles and responsibilities: How to organize the work and what role an MSP can play in making sure the divestiture runs smoothly.

Discovery and scoping: The importance of being thorough and asking a lot of questions in order to clearly understand both the destination and source environments before the migration begins.

End-user issues: Understanding not just the infrastructure, but also the policies and norms of both the division being divested and the company they’re joining.

Security and legalities: Knowing the importance of a TSA (transition services agreement), and how it may be set up differently depending on the country in which the companies reside.

Confidentiality and data integrity: Helping companies guard their divestiture plans in order to protect data and avoid disclosures of sensitive information – including whether or not the divestiture is happening.

Email issues and business continuity: Looking out for and handling address conflicts, addressing conventions, and federated accounts.

Migration execution: Tips on what to watch out for during the migration itself.

End-user training: Helping users embrace their new environment without losing productivity.

Working with BitTitan and MigrationWiz: Choosing your MigrationWiz license and accessing expert help from BitTitan.

Brush up on your divestiture expertise by downloading the white paper today. And contact us if we can help you with any kind of migration.

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