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Make 2017 the Year of Recurring Revenue

We’ve said it again and again: one-off, project-based revenue won’t sustain profitability in the cloud era. It’s time to walk the walk, but you don’t have to do it alone. We’re here to help.


The case for recurring revenue is undeniable.

Jethro Seghers wrote about the power of recurring revenue, highlighting these key reasons why recurring revenue is so attractive to the Modern MSP:



  • gross-margin-growthLower effort, higher yield. “Salespeople can focus their efforts on a new customer who is ready to be onboarded, rather than focusing on closing another deal with the same customer in a transactional model.”



  • Stronger, lasting customer relationships. “Managed services can provide insight into the infrastructure of your customer’s business,” which can lead to upsell opportunities and even referrals for new leads.



  • Reduced complexity. Repeatable, recurring services can often lead to increased efficiency. Plus, simplified billing allows you and your customers more time to focus on strategic growth.



Not convinced? Read this article, recently posted on, to get your eye on the prize.

Your “financial freedom” relies on business valuation, author George Mellor writes, reminding us to heed “the magnitude of the disruption that is occurring as the market chooses to consume IT services on a monthly basis. It’s a shift that’s occurring whether you’re ready or not.”


Luckily, with everything-as-a-service appearing more and more in our lives, the IT services marketplace is accustomed to, and conditioned for, the recurring revenue model. Most customers prefer a predictable, recurring charge over a large, up-front capital outlay or unpredictable and unbudgeted project fees.


Great. You’re sold on the idea, but where can you start today?


We call it a Business Growth Model (versus a revenue plan) because it should reflect all your assumptions about the key drivers for your business. These assumptions include:



  • The average one-time revenue (OTR) value on a per-user or a per-deal basis



  • The average monthly recurring revenue (MRR) value on a per-user or per-deal basis



  • The average deal acquisition rate (for OTR deals, MRR deals, or a combination)



  • The average cost of acquisition for each deal (total sales and marketing expenses)



  • The blended gross margin that you will realize for an average deal



With a baseline of your current business and a plan for where you’d like to take your business next, you can start making some very interesting side-by-side comparisons of possible growth trajectories.


At BitTitan we’ve been empowering IT service professionals to successfully deploy and manage cloud technologies through automation for over a decade. Sign up for a FREE BitTitan account today to access our products and services.

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