Bits & Bytes

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Video: Getting Started with MigrationWiz

Are you using MigrationWiz for the first time? Ready to dive in and start working? It’s free to set up an account, and our introductory tutorial will help you get started and learn the basics. This video is for anyone who’s never used MigrationWiz. See how easy it is to set up an account, then get a quick tour of our console – in less than 10 minutes.

What You’ll Learn in This Video

View this quick tutorial and learn the steps for getting started with MigrationWiz. Then, you can find videos that will step you through a wide range of migration scenarios and get started with your migration project. Here’s what’s covered:

Account setup. Sign in and set your password. Your MigrationWiz account is free; you only pay when you’re purchasing licenses for a migration project.

Introduction to the console.  Mark, our migration expert, will take you on a tour of the MigrationWiz console and explain each component of the dashboard. You’ll see where projects are listed along with their status, and where licenses are stored that can be used on a project.

Meet the Help Center. The BitTitan Help Center contains detailed guides, including cut-and-paste commands, for all types of migration projects. Help Center articles are convenient to access with a prominent button on the dashboard.

How to create project. Mark shows you how to select your project type and gives a brief overview of what each category consists of.

Viewing projects in progress. Using an active MigrationWiz account, you’ll see what a typical project list looks like, including a snapshot of important status and how to drill down for more details.

The First Step in Your Migration Journey

If you’re already using MigrationWiz, you can skip this video and move on to topics that will walk you through specific scenarios or help you increase your migration skills. But if MigrationWiz is new to you – or to someone on your team – this one’s worth watching.

You can access our free library of how-to videos any time you like. If you have questions or need help with an upcoming project, contact us.

Get the Beginner’s Introduction to MigrationWiz video!

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